Milestones Project : 0191 4400702 Fraine Project : 01207 258511 [email protected]
Chris Thubron

Chris Thubron

Technical / IT Manager

Hi i’m Chris Thubron. After struggling for 17 years and ‘using’ since 14 I lost everything two years ago through my drinking and drug use. I thought ‘enough is enough, time to break the cycle’. I took the plunge for abstinent based recovery on the 5th of January 2016 and am taking each day as it comes.

After being giving the opportunity to volunteer at Jigsaw Recovery Project to use my passion for tech and recovery to feel useful again. My life has always been a messed-up jigsaw but the past two months have been an amazing journey, I feel content with life and I’ve finally got all the edges of my life puzzle put together. I’ve changed my thinking which has changed my lifestyle, so I can pass on my life skills to others while learning new skills.

I am under no illusion it is going to be hard work. Nothing worthwhile is easy, but we make a difference and put the pieces of one life back together. Then all the hard work is more than worth it!

I have failed to learn, what I know today.

Get in Touch

You can contact us by completing our enquiry form or using the details below.

14 + 1 =


For info please e-mail: [email protected]

For Referrals please e-mail: [email protected]


Milestones : 0191 4400702

F21 Willow Court, Marquis Way, Team Valley, NE11 0RU