Milestones Project : 0191 4400702 Fraine Project : 01207 258511 [email protected]
Terry Nelson

Terry Nelson

Director Project Development

My name is Terry Nelson. I am in recovery from multiple complex needs. I suffered from periods of mental health, homelessness, offending and constant fight with addiction for over 27 years.

I have spent years in prison due to my actions. I don`t condone any of my actions but they have given me the platform on which I can use my lived experience to help others today. I was given the opportunity to go to treatment in Scarborough. It was here I got the solid base that which my recovery is based on today.

I was vice chair of the expert by experience group and the lead for the national experts group for the Newcastle and Gateshead fulfilling lives programme. As part of my role I was also on the national expert’s communication group. Where we looked at ways to challenge local and national government services around system change.

As a person, I have total faith in my abilities and determination to be a better person, I set about talking to the people who I thought could help me, to make this dream a reality. People seam only too happy to help me, as well as volunteering their services to help get this worthwhile project up and running.

I am under no illusion, it is going to be hard work. Nothing worthwhile is easy. If we make a difference and put the pieces of one life back together. Then all the hard work is more than worth it!

I have failed to learn, what I know today.

Get in Touch

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For info please e-mail: [email protected]

For Referrals please e-mail: [email protected]


Milestones : 0191 4400702

F21 Willow Court, Marquis Way, Team Valley, NE11 0RU